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Happy 2010 guys and gals!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Eerr... did I go to the wrong blog? Wait a minute. I recognised the names ... phew... they're from 6a. Ah, the new blog skin is refreshingly different. Thank you, Christabel for injecting something new to our blog.

Reading your tags make me feel hearten that many of you are close to one another despite being in different schools now. It's only when you reach a level of comfort that you can bicker with and tease one another. Continue to do so. I've not attended any of your outings yet but would like to thank Brandon for initiating... the making of a great leader!

Time flies! My daughter is already 3 and a half months old now. Currently, I'm still on maternity leave. I'll back in school after Lunar New Year. I'll be a form teacher of a P5 class. By the way, do drop by to congratulate forever 18 on going to be yet another great mummy. She'll be on leave in March.

Hello, Guangcheng. It's absolutely wonderful to see you tagging, though I think none of us know what you're saying (you could be scolding me. haha.) How is everything on the northern side of the earth? I miss you, Guangcheng.

... and I miss the rest of you, 6a, too. I even miss Bingzhe and Chunshan. I always wonder how our friends who are now overseas doing. Does any one of you have news about them?

Happy New Year, 5a 07, 6a 08. Do take care of yourself and enjoy your 2010 to the fullest. All the best in your studies too! Ehem...excuse me, teacher must say something about studying lor ;).

chao, cheahyy

Sunday, January 3, 2010

haha, okay. by now, you should have seen the new blogskin. LOL. of course. yup, finally. i've been wanting to change it since forever. managed to squeeze in time only to do the header, so most of the blog stays the same. yay! haha. yeah, so i'm not really sure if the header's like too messy? but hope you guys like it. =] the colours all around the entire blog seems kinda weird. haha. just trying to make it more colourful i guess. =]. yups, so if you guys don't like this skin, i can change it back. =] i won't take it to heart cause i rushed through this. haha, okay, sorry to say that. hey! i've been busy kay. =]

yeah. so hm, oh! really had a great time at the class outing. =] don't worry brandon, i'm sure everyone had fun. =] oh, thanks for organising it too. haha. you're always the one who takes the initiative. man, i feeel realllly guilty.

its getting really late so i guess i should get off the comp. yeah, so school's starting in like around 2 days time? (oh, not for RG =[, i heard from lycia that they're starting school only on the 5th? is that right?) yeah, so just wanna wish you guys all the best for the new year. haha. yups. hope you guys make new (i think MG's the only school that streams in sec 2, bleh!)/more friends. =] study hard & we'll get the subjects we want for next year (mann, i'm super kiasu, already thinking about sec 3). haha. yeah, study hard! don't slack too much. =] if you visit this blog EVERYDAY, YES, YOU'RE SLACKING TOO MUCH. =] haha. but please check the blog for updates, class outings most probably, normally during the school hols. =] okay, i'm talking too much, shall go delete some "HAHA"s from hannah's post since its cutting into the way of the tagboard, LOL. sorry hannah. =]
oh wait! because of my post, it isn't obstructing the way of the tagboard now! yay! haha.=]=]

i have this feeling that no one knows what i'm talking about...


meet the family
Amanda @ RGS
Aria @ RGS
Jasmine @ RGS
Lycia @ RGS
Kai Chin @ RI
Wei Chin @ RI
Wei Jin @ RI
Chloe @ NYGH
Linda @ NYGH
Wan Hui @ NYGH
Xin Yi @ NYGH
Chee Peng @ HCI
Denzyl @ HCI
Angela @ RV
Kun You @ RV
Gertie @ RV
Rui Yang @ RV
Yi Jie @ RV
Christabel @ MGS
Kimberley @ MGS
Hannah @ MGS
Hui Jie @ MGS
Rachel @ MGS
Axel @ ACSI
Harren @ ACSI
Benedict @ ACSI
Ding Ning @ ACSI
Frederick @ ACSI
Nicholas@ ACSI
Shawn @ ACSI
Avril @ FMSS
Jayne @ FMSS
Brandon @ FMSS
Dionnis @ CGS
Sabrina @ CGS
Jakin @ NHHS
Phoebe @ SMS
Han Zhe @ DHS
Sophie @ SOTA
Guang Cheng @ Norway
Mdm Cheah
Mrs Yan
Mr Cheng

contribute more pictures!!

Yi Jie



November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
September 2009
October 2009
December 2009
January 2010
October 2010
February 2011

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