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my second entry
Friday, November 28, 2008

Hi all,

The following figures may not make sense to any of you by now but if you are curious, our class PSLE average aggregrate is 258 and the breakdown is as follows: 279-270 (5), 266-260 (8), 259-250 (22), 249-240 (5).

By now all of you should have registered for your choice schools. May you get into your dream school.



hey guys. i have a serious problem to tell you all about. you know our class outing which is on the 27th December, it totally crashes with another class' one. its so un-believable. same date, same place, same time. gosh, organisers? help!! kays, erm, i know its seriously late now (erm, its like 12.35 am) , but just gotta blog about this. i'm trying to calm down. seriously. i'm like hyperventilating away.
6G is also having a class outing on 27th December, west coast park, 1pm. ugh. kay, i was just looking at their blog and saw the post. so go see for yourself if you don't believe it. http://6gs-08.blogspot.com/ organisers? think of a solution?! you wanna just go there, and meet them there? or you wanna change date? organisers!! please help. oh, gosh, i'm like dying already. =x

1st time blogging
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

hi guys(& girls)
hope u're all happy & satisfied with the psle results. (by the way, i am most likely going to Raffles Institution. hope some of u can join me). so hows every1 doing? im bored to death at home, luckily there is a class outing and a movie...i think. iheard "forever80...i mean
18" a.k.a. teacher Cai & mdm cheah are also coming along, that's good(not sarcastic).

that's all i can think about to write.

P.S. i took 1/2 n hour to complete this...haha

Saturday, November 22, 2008

If the post at the upcoming events wasnt tht clear..i'm postin it here..jus in case..if u are wonderin if we're still havin the movie and outin..yes..most prob.

Class BBQ:
Date/Day/Time-27th dec 08..saturday...12pm++...
Venue-west coast park,Blue horizon BBQ pit(denzyl's hse)
Gather at Mcdonalds.you can have your lunch there if you dont mind..
Bring-any type of games..mostly sports though..
an extra set of clothes in case we are playing water bomb..(not too sure yet)
$$ for lunch
Food and drinks will be provided for the BBQ..it can be considered as dinner..i think...
we will be inviting teachers..XD...

Do leave some comments under here..and some suggestions for which type of food you would like to eat..we will try to get it but no guarantee..depends on the majority..thx!If you dont wish to post it here..you can ask amanda,denzyl or me any time.greatly appreciated.

. Sausages


post PSLE
Friday, November 21, 2008

Hello all,

Just like teacher Cai, I'm entering words into a blog for the first time. Can I be considered to be a blogger now?

Some of you were probably over moon when you received your results yesterday while others were not so. Whatever you obtained, I know all of you have given it your best when you were at the examination hall. That is what that really matters. Though the results did leave marks in our
lives but, hey, cheer up, for PSLE is but only a small component in us. I told you yesterday that I would analyse the results and let you know more (just a teeny weeny bit more) about how well the class has done. I wonder if you would be comfortable to have the analysis posted on this
blog as it would be feature many can see.

If you recall, Mrs Yeo took some photographs of us. Should the photographs be posted here too?

Hmm... we did not say a proper 'bye- bye' in class so ... till you hear from me again, 'Thank you and good-bye 6A. ' You have all been great kids!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

although i'm only 6 yrs older than all of you, now i admit i'm old cos' i juz can't keep up with IT. all of u r so gd! i will “不耻下问”。it's my 1st time posting on a blog! erm... a bit "怕怕"!

want to tell all of you i'm v happy for all of you. well done. laoshi treat all of you 一视同仁, no fav, but today really wanted to gv some of u a great big hug ( like i always force e 小朋友 at home to do to me!) i "忍住" initially, & after tt didn't hv e chance to do it. so here's a great big hug to 平敏、嘉恩、楷群、思敏、菀庭、子康、志鹏、炜竣、俐思、杰恩。e rest of u, nxt time then i hug u ok? but mr liao, if u r to remain so sweaty, i will not do so.

like what mdm cheah had said, whether you are satisfied with your results or not, look forward, move forward. 愿你们要不断地追随梦想,继续努力采摘那颗最闪亮的星星!

一闪一闪亮晶晶 满天都是小星星

forever 18.................

20th november 2008 -PSLE results review

Hi everyone! Are all of you happy with you're results? I think everyone did great, especially Jasmine! 278 is like..such a great feat! But still, I cannot believe that I got 271..compared to my prelim-265, is so much difference. It is also my first time getting top 5 in the cohort. I am over the moon!!

Of course..there are some unbelievable(surprising too!)news! Aria did'nt get top 5(or did she?I don't know if getting the top 5th highest mark is considered.). But she you need'nt be too upset about it, Aria. I think you still did great! And..that silly Wei Chin did'nt get top 5 either!!haha..xD..that silly guy..I finally beat him!!yay..however, his evil, naughty, rude and "high and mighty"(of course I'm a little sacarstic..) brother actually got 2nd!I don't know if I should laugh or cry.Laugh because Wei Chin must be crying like a baby back home(no one had better tell me to comfort him!!**esp. Wei Jin..and of course I'm just joking..xp). Cry because he did so well..no lah, of course I should be happy for him.Congrats!

Hope everyone can get into their dream school!


hey..here are a few more of the photos.

P.S.amanda, i placed pur photo in jayne's e-autograph bk..lol..XD..and dun kill me chris..XP

first post by me

ello everyone!so happy wif results.can go river valley.yipee!though nobody is actually going wif me.so i will be alone.sad.they already say meet at rv 19 dec,8.30 am.and i wanna ask ah,when is the outing thing around the date cos i need it to plan my holiday.i will also not be around from 26 to 29 nov,so wanhui pls take note.other than dat,i think notin much lah.hope to see you all guys asap!

graduation night photos ~

hey.. linda here . tada ~ photos from graduation night.. my hand was shaky so the photos are blurry.. ps .


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

hey everyone,

there will be a 'survey' goin round tmr about the class outing and movie so pls state ur choice

wishin everyone all the best for PSLE!


1st post by me
Monday, November 17, 2008

Hi all 6aers and everyone out there this blog is cool thanks christabel for creating this amazing blog for everyone. I really hope that we will keep this blog alive so everyone from 6A will be able to keep in touch. And btw if u havent been reading the tagboard 6a rox 4ever was me. Anyway i'll be tagging and posting as brandon from now on.

P.S Wish everyone who is from P6 especially 6A all the best in your PSLE see you all on Thursday



graduation night photo-a night so unforgettable..

hey..this is one of the photos..chris wanted this to be posted cos got the most no. of ppl in it so far..lol..dun kill me on thu chris..XD(this kind deed is done by chris)..anyways..i'll be postin more when i get my hands on them..lol i sound evil..weird..just carry on waitin..haha..btw..alll the best to all for ur psle results this thu..hope u dun get ur hopes too high but have reached ur target..
P.S. just want to know..is ur life tht excitin without sch? cos mine isnt..and i'm dying at hme..bored to death..lol cant wait for the class outin!interest all of us with ur stories abt ur hols or overseas trip..we're all ears..do specify wat photos u want to be posted on this blog..like hannah wei jin and mdm cheah together in a picture..lol..XP.. wanhui_________..
Every moment we spent together is so precious.

¨°º¤ø„¸ 6A ¸„ø¤º°
¸„ø¤º°¨ ROCKS!``°º¤ø„



Hey Everybody!!! i really hope that our wonderful class 6A 2008 would stay in touch and hang out together.Looking forward to our class outing!!!(if we are having).God Bless!!



Music Player.

Erm, hellos again...i guess i'll be adding a music player here. So any favourite song (s). please post them (names) onto the tagboard. Will gather them and most likely have a music player in by the end of next week. (that's gives you enough time to choose your songs!!)

new blog.
Sunday, November 16, 2008

hey everyone. erm, i guess this is the new 6A blog. i hope that you do like that picture, formatting and everything else. I just hope that its not too girlish or guy-ish.
Firstly, when blogging or tagging, please! no vulgarities should be used.
Secondly, on to the "upcoming events" section. organisers for any class outings or any gatherings or just any events that you would like to announce to the class, you can add in the date, place and time of the event, if you know how to add it in that is, or else you can tell anyone who knows how to and we'll gladly help you add it in.
Thirdly, the "links" section. If you would like to let the class (and others) know about your blog, you can add your url in yourself at (duh!) the links section. (I'm sure that if you have a blog, you'll know how to add it in). So erm, i guess that without the person's permission, you're not allowed to add in his/her blog address. got that?
Fourthly, kindly tag at the tag board and please try to use an obvious name that everyone can recognise but i guess its okay to remain anonymous.
Lastly, the blog posts. Erm, anyone can blog (add pictures into blog post please do if you have). Please sign off with your name (you can remain anonymous if you want). I should have (i will soon.) send you the user name and password. Whenever there is a class outing, organisers, can you also please blog about it, with details and everything. So just some suggestions on what you can blog about: suggestions on what to do for the holidays; how you spent the holidays with your family/friends; suggestions on how to improve on this blog and lastly your school life (if it ever reaches 2009, holidays are just getting too boring.) Have fun with this blog!

meet the family
Amanda @ RGS
Aria @ RGS
Jasmine @ RGS
Lycia @ RGS
Kai Chin @ RI
Wei Chin @ RI
Wei Jin @ RI
Chloe @ NYGH
Linda @ NYGH
Wan Hui @ NYGH
Xin Yi @ NYGH
Chee Peng @ HCI
Denzyl @ HCI
Angela @ RV
Kun You @ RV
Gertie @ RV
Rui Yang @ RV
Yi Jie @ RV
Christabel @ MGS
Kimberley @ MGS
Hannah @ MGS
Hui Jie @ MGS
Rachel @ MGS
Axel @ ACSI
Harren @ ACSI
Benedict @ ACSI
Ding Ning @ ACSI
Frederick @ ACSI
Nicholas@ ACSI
Shawn @ ACSI
Avril @ FMSS
Jayne @ FMSS
Brandon @ FMSS
Dionnis @ CGS
Sabrina @ CGS
Jakin @ NHHS
Phoebe @ SMS
Han Zhe @ DHS
Sophie @ SOTA
Guang Cheng @ Norway
Mdm Cheah
Mrs Yan
Mr Cheng

contribute more pictures!!

Yi Jie



November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
September 2009
October 2009
December 2009
January 2010
October 2010
February 2011

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